The Website  belongs to Gaviota Hotels and complies with the requirements according to Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, as well as with the Royal Decree-Act 13/2012, of March 30th, as well as the reporting obligation towards the user stated in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection.

Identification Data


The company has the right to modify unilaterally, anytime, and without previous notice these conditions. In that case, the new modifications will be published and announced in advance as much as possible. In any case, they have to change the web and its configuration unilaterally, anytime, and without previous notice.


This Legal notice is only valid for the website and its contents owned by the company, and are not applicable to third parties’ hyperlinks or websites accessible through the webpage. The company is not responsible for the content of any of the linked webpages, nor for any link included within a webpage accessible through the company’s website.


The content of this webpage is exclusively owned by the company, and, for expository purposes, not limitative, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and any other element that appears in the webpage. Likewise, any trade name, brands or distinctive signatures of any sort contained in the website are protected by the intellectual and industrial property law. It is the company who has the rights to exert their exploitation rights of such intellectual property, in any deemed way, and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, and public communication. User is expressly forbidden from using without explicit consent any intellectual or industrial property from the website, not even partially, and/or their contents.

The company has the right to pursue legal action against any user that reproduces, distributes, commercializes, transforms, and, in general, any other sort of exploitation in any way, of all or part of the website contents that constitutes an infraction of their Intellectual and Industrial property rights.


For these general conditions and terms, and for any required communication between the company and the user, the latter will contact the company sending an e-mail to . The communications of the company to the user will be done with the data given by the latter in the process of registration in the webpage The user expressly accepts the company’s e-mails as a valid procedure to communicate with them as long as is a communication regarding the webpage use and/or the provision of services offered there.


The following terms are governed by the Spanish legislation, which will be applicable in anything not stated in this contract as a way of interpretation, validity, and execution. Both parts renounce expressly to any other jurisdiction and submit expressly to the Juries and Tribunals of to solve any controversy that may happen in the interpretation or execution of these contractual conditions.


In accordance with prevailing legislation in terms of data protection and information society and electronic commerce services, the users accept that the personal data provided to the website, or any other data given to Gaviota Hotels in order to access certain services, will be included in files owned by Gaviota Hotels, with the purpose to provide the requested services, identify the users who request customized services online, manage basic administrative tasks, as well as keep them informed, via email or other means, about any products or services related to Gaviota Hotels.The users state their explicit consent to receiving advertising, included in emails or other means related to commercial communications. Gaviota Hotels agrees to abide by its obligation to ensure the secrecy of personal data and its duty to treat such data as confidential and will, to this end, take all necessary measures to prevent these data being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation, in line with the current state of technological developments and in compliance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection, as well as any other legislation that may apply..

The data required in the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory, as it is considered the minimum information in order to manage a request or develop the desired service. The rest of the fields are optional.

Users will in all cases be responsible for the truthfulness of the data provided, with Gaviota Hotels reserving the right to exclude any user who provides false data from the registered services, without prejudice to any other legal actions this may incur. Users have the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose data by sending a written statement, including a photocopy of their ID document to: Gaviota Hotels.